
RUNNING: Do You Really Need It? This Will Help You Decide!

by Jai
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“Running teaches me that I’m capable of so much more than I ever imagined. ” – Anonymous


The above quote has turned out to be extremely true in my life. Having made up my mind to get fit around 4 years back, I was told by many fitness enthusiasts to start off with running few kilometers everyday. It was truly a battle especially with my fitness levels being way below par. However with a strong mindset and great intensity, I continued to fight the battle moving from a mere 2-3 kilometers run to consistently hitting 9-10 kilometers on a daily basis. After achieving this milestone I decided to challenge myself further and participated in a 10K marathon held in Dubai; reaching the finish line in mere 57 minutes.  As of today, long distance running has been a part of my daily lifestyle.

Listed below are 5 key benefits of running:

  1. Get Fit: Want to get in shape? Running is an extremely vital activity for anyone who desires to burn fat rapidly and get in a good shape. In addition, it is also proven to boost your metabolism rate.
  2. Strengthens Bones: Studies have shown that consistent running plays a key role in stimulating bones & hence keeps them stronger & healthier for a longer period even as they age.
  3. Massive Energy Boost: A 45 minute run is all it takes to feel super charged and energetic. It eliminates all the exhaustion and alters the physical and mental state.
  4. Escalates Self Esteem: Having fulfilled the desired number of miles on the treadmill or the number of laps at a park brings about a feeling of pride and accomplishment that is unique. This boost in self-esteem drives an individual to better himself in every aspect of life.
  5. Improves Stamina: Running provides a massive uplift to stamina levels, enabling an individual to be more productive in executing any other form of physical activity.

Not to forget, running gives you the freedom to consume what you crave, once a week (In limited quantity). 🙂

Tip: If you’re starting off running after a long period or for the first time its advisable to do it in short intervals and gradually increase the duration as your stamina level builds.

Below is a short clip I came across recently which reveals why runners do what they do, something I can totally relate to.


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Jai A




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